inclusive solutions

By defining itself as an inclusive museum, the MCCB offers itself to all visitors, using a museum organisation which encourages unique, personalised experiences. The desire to serve "all", respecting differences, is reflected in small gestures which, together, ensure the space is accessible, comfortable and safe. Although it has elements which are clearly designed for visitors with special needs, the museum´s philosophy is to integrate everyone discretely and effectively, giving the same resources and services to everyone who visits the museum, whether they have disabilities or not. This is the only way for it to be "a museum by (and for) all". As well as eliminating physical barriers and encouraging comfortable, independent visits, the museum uses different communication strategies so that every visitor can use the resources which best match their interests and are best suited to their personal needs. This is a living museum and is designed to be experienced. Experiencing means seeing, hearing, touching... actively participating in building feelings. A visit to the MCCB does not stop at the end of the exhibition. The experiences offered by it open the path to discovering a County which is more and more concerned with the issues of accessibility and integration.
Our commitment to integration can be seen in the following ways:
Physical access, mobility and museum layout - Entering and moving around the building is easy and comfortable. In spite of its small size, the entire museum is prepared for people with reduced mobility, ensuring they have a comfortable, safe visit. All steps and uneven ground has been removed, to create wide passages, and there is a lift for access to the first floor. The museum layout takes into account the fact that the museum is visited by people with different physical mobility needs. This awareness led to the ergonomic adjustment of the furniture, creating special access conditions to the exhibition and to additional information, integrating ecologically and aesthetically several alternative solutions.
Comfort, safety and independence - So that the museum experience can be enriching, visitors must feel comfortable, safe and be able to enjoy their visit as independently as they wish. By removing physical and communication barriers and welcoming everyone, the MCCB offers its visitors "made to measure" experiences. The chance to choose between an unguided visit or personalised tour, in groups or individually, with audio guides, video guides or printed information, means the same exhibition can offer several different experiences, by exploring the informative and interactive materials which are always available to all. There are many accessibility solutions which allow everyone to experience the museum in their own way.
Multi-modal features - Getting the most out of the museum means, first and foremost, enjoying the experience the exhibitions have to offer. If these experiences are both informative and entertaining, then they have the conditions necessary to gain new knowledge. The integrating mission of the MCCB can be seen in a multi-modal communication strategy which provides access to knowledge through different types of texts and using different media. By addition multi-sensory experiences to conventional information, the museum experience includes all visitors, including those who may have learning difficulties or sensory or language limitations, for exemple, visitors who do not speak Portuguese.
Continuity and creativity - Museum accessibility is a never-ending process. This museum is a place which is constantly changing. All the services provided can be improved, and better adapted to the needs of our visitors. Each new solution will be tested and evaluated by its users. No solution will be considered perfect or complete, nor appropriate for all. As a living thing, the MCCB will continue to grow and add new solutions to those which it already has. It will aim to remove all barriers as it becomes aware of them, and will be creative in searching for solutions and alternatives. It will remain unsatisfied, as it knows that it still has a huge amount to do.
Although all resources are available to all, the MCCB was primarily concerned with finding solutions for some needs in particular.
Designated parking in front of the museum
Lowered floors and no barriers in the building
Ergonomic furniture with heights suitable for visitors in wheelchairs
Rest areas - benches and portable chairs
Disabled toilet
Focused lighting
Multimedia with zoom and high contrast settings
Large print information
Films with large-print subtitles
Magnifying glass and tactile experiences - replicas, models, objects to be touched
Audio guide with audio description (In Portuguese)
Guided paths / direction markers on the floor
Braille signs
Multimedia information with screen reader
Printed information in Braille and embossed text
Tactile experiences - replicas, models, objects to be touched
Audio guide with audio description (In Portuguese)
Area for guide dogs
Video guide in Portuguese sign language
Text-based video guide
Printed material in easy text
Area for hearing dogs
Subtitled films
Printed material in easy text
Printed material with images
Games and exploration activities
Tactile experiences - replicas, models, objects to be touched
Guided tours
Adapted texts
Games and exploration activities
Tactile experiences - replicas, models, objects to be touched
A selection of material in English, Spanish and French.
Recursos de navegação no MCCB online
Contact us
Largo Goa, Damão e Diu, n.° 4
2440-901 Batalha